Cunos oval pendant |
Rectangular floral carving mop 40mm pendants |
Bayong football wood beads |
7-8mm coco pokalet red beads |
Inlaid fish desgin pendant |
Fish hand paintings wooden key chains |
Shells and coco necklace |
White bone bead nuggets |
Hammershell oval pendant |
Plain white rubber cord with white canarium pendant |
2 rows sig-id wood tube w/ yellow/bleached white |
50mm round coco pendant w/ star burning design |
35mm dogtag blacklip w/ embossed flower skin |
Robles pokalet woodbeads |
Troca manol in sundial shell necklace |
Dangling 20mm round mop w/ beads & white |
2-3mm coco heishe black bead |
Chunky kyla natural wood bangle |
Yellow sihe shell beads |
Banig beach bag |
Choker / 8 layers 2-3mm black coco pokalet/black |